The Search for Bridey Murphy (1956) - Entire Movie (hardcoded subtitles) This movie, and the book that inspired it, created a sensation in the US during the 1950s! It had such a huge impact on the American public that a follow-up book, "A Scientific Report on 'The Search for Bridey Murphy,'" was written in an atempt to debunk it! The debunking efforts seem to have failed, because a Pew Research poll in 2009 determined that 25% of Americans believe in reincarnation and 24% of American Christians believe in reincarnation! Ruth Simmons (Bridey Murphy - Teresa Wright) and her hypnotist, Morey Bernstein (Louis Hayward), are the main characters in the movie. Movie,Clip,The Vedic Version,Reincarnation,Vedas (Scriptures),Bhagavad Gita (Scripture),The Search for Bridey Murphy (Film Title),1956 (Film Release Year),Teresa Wright (Film Actor),Louis Hayward (Film Actor),Drama (Film Genre)